Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hearts, hearts and more hearts...!

It's February already, and Groundhog Day has now passed.  The groundhog saw his shadow, so we are due an early spring.  Before I get to spring and all the promise that the season holds, I must celebrate the season of hearts...and Valentine's Day.  I must admit it is one of my favorite holidays, and I truly love it's symbol:  the heart.  With rounded edges and a sharp point, it's shape is pleasing to me, as well as all it represents.  A romantic at heart, I relish making art 'for heart's sake'...!    This February is no different, as I began to think about making Valentines a few weeks ago.

Using my newly carved linoleum block, I printed several 3 X 5 watercolor cards with images in a black gesso medium mixture on white.

linoleum block...

linoleum block

After they were completely dry, I added gold and a few reddish highlights.  This was done randomly, as design elements, with no real outcome in mind.  Truly an experimental exploration of the printed shapes and lines, it was more about how the blocks looked once printed.  After doing several, I set them aside.  When a few weeks had passed, I decided it was the season of hearts, so I retrieved them from the pile and looked at them once again.  The old childhood riddle came to mind:  'What's black and white and red all over?'  Where the old answer was 'a newspaper', I mentally added 'my Valentines'.  So with that silly riddle in my head, I began my current quest to make a few Valentine cards.  Instead of a true red, I mixed Scarlet Lake watercolor with copper and gold metallic fluid acrylic paint to make a red-orange color.  I used this red-orange on some, and on others I used a true red handmade paper.  Both served as the base paper color for hand-cut hearts.

After ten or so printed and collaged little works of art, I branched out to try a similar technique on mounted Ampersand boards fitted with specially treated paintable surfaced grounds for all water media.

These are the results of my experimental play...

The cards...
VC - 01VC - 02VC - 03VC - 04VC - 05VC - 06VC - 07VC - 08VC - 09VC - 10

The blocks are larger.  The first two are 6 X 6, the third is 5 X 5...

V block - 02

V block - 03

V block - 01

If you haven't made a Valentine since you were a kid, there is no time like now to do it.  Your favorite sweetheart will appreciate seeing your hand in the card's creation.  For you, the creator, get ready to feel a tremendous sense of satisfaction. For the recipient of your handiwork...well, get ready to see their delight!

Happy Valentine's Day...!  May you find a real sweet heart...!

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